NALHC Past Programs

As we look forward to the future of the North American Labor History Conference, we also want to celebrate the past. 

Our previous programs are posted below:

2018 - Labor and History in the 21st Century
The Fortieth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2017 - Labor History and Public History
The Thirty-Ninth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2016 - Workers and Global Cities: Detroit and Beyond
The Thirty-Eighth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2015 - The Nature of Work
The Thirty-Seventh Annual North American Labor History Conference

2014 - The Nature of Work
The Thirty-Sixth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2013 - Geographies of Labor
The Thirty-Fifth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2012 - Insurgency and Resistance
The Thirty-Fourth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2011 - Labor Movement, Movement of Labor
The Thirty-Third Annual North American Labor History Conference

2010 - Class, Social Movements and the New Politics
The Thirty-Second Annual North American Labor History Conference

2009 - Knowledge, Work and Class
The Thirty-First Annual North American Labor History Conference

2008 - Labor, Law and Justice
The Thirtieth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2007 - Labor, Slavery and Freedom
The Twenty-Ninth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2006 - Technology, Environment and Work
The Twenty-Eighth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2005 - Labor, Solidarity and Work Organizations
The Twenty-Seventh Annual North American Labor History Conference

2004 - Class, Work, and Imperialism
The Twenty-Sixth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2003 - Labor, War and Imperialism
The Twenty-Fifth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2002 - Class, Gender and Ideology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective
The Twenty-Fourth Annual North American Labor History Conference

2001 - Labor, Migration, and the Global Economy
The Twenty-Third Annual North American Labor History Conference

2000 - Labor and the New Millennium: Class, Vision, and Change
The Twenty-Second Annual North American Labor History Conference

1999 - Class and Politics in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
The Twenty-first Annual North American Labor History Conference

1998 - Labor: Past and Present
The Twentieth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1997 - Workers and the City
The Nineteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1996 - Memory and Retelling of Working Class Lives
The Eighteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1995 - Community and Culture in Working Class History
The Seventeenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1994 - International and Comparative Labor History
The Sixteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1993 - Labor, Citizenship, and the State 
The Fifteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1992 - Remaking the Working Class
The Fourteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1991 - Men, Women, and Labor: Perspectives on Gender and Labor History
The Thirteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1990 - The Twelfth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1989 - The Eleventh Annual North American Labor History Conference

1988 - The Tenth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1987 - The Ninth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1986 - 1946 and After: North American Labour in the Postwar Years
The Eighth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1985 - American Workers, American Unions: The Era of the CIO, 1935-1955
The Seventh Annual North American Labor History Conference

1984 - The Human Impact of De-Industrialization: History and Theory
The Sixth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1983 - American Workers, Past and Present
The Fifth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1982 - Twentieth-Century Labor History in Perspective
The Fourth Annual North American Labor History Conference

1981 - Workers, Politics, and the State
The Third Annual North American Labor History Conference

1980 - The Second Annual North American Labor History Conference

1979 - The First Annual North American Labor History Conference